Response to A Brilliant Love Story

Below are updated prayers from me to my heavenly Father. I guess if they were all compiled in a book (or something like that) it would be considered a response to the greatest love story ever written.... The Bible! Hope you enjoy ease dropping on an ongoing conversation with me and my Creator. I guess this is my way of being horizontally transparent :)

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011



   Today wasn't such a good day for us. I found myself slinking into old habits. I let my flesh discourage me from feeding my spirit so I could feed it instead. I won't excuse it, but I also can't go back and change it, so I'll make the conscious decision to stop from here on out. But of course I can't do this without you, so I'm asking that you give me strength and a softened heart so that I can endure this type of temptation. Thank you for your grace that covers me on days like today. Sorry for damage I've caused that I won't even recognize immediately. I appreciate this relationship I have with you and I want it to be preserved. I want to please you in every way, and it starts with my thoughts. Cleanse them so I can have the mind of Christ, please. I love you and I thank you for waiting patiently until I was done playing games, reading status', & talking to everyone but you. Your patience, persistence & perseverance propel me toward the things that I should be doing. And lastly I just want to thank you for this life that has been given to me through acknowledgement and acceptance of your son, Jesus the Christ, as Lord and Savior of my life. Help me to be more like Him everyday. I love you, and it is in His name only that I pray!