Response to A Brilliant Love Story

Below are updated prayers from me to my heavenly Father. I guess if they were all compiled in a book (or something like that) it would be considered a response to the greatest love story ever written.... The Bible! Hope you enjoy ease dropping on an ongoing conversation with me and my Creator. I guess this is my way of being horizontally transparent :)

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Written Aug 18, 2011

Despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him. Heb 12:5


Thank you for saving me, not only from the grasp of the enemy & the penalty of sin but from myself & my own wicked desires. hank you for chastening me & getting me used to Your voice, which in turn helps me sound more like You. Your goodness is unfathomable & I am just appreciative of the opportunity to experience it! I love You! Thank You for grace & mercy, friends & fellowship, hurt & happiness. I am grateful that I am allowed to experience life & living by truly being made alive in You. Your love is amazing & incomprehensible. Help me be filled with that love, the love that I can't understand or offer any explanation for, other than it being divine. Help me not to be easily angered because Your love isn't easily angered. Make me patient and kind, because that's how Your love is. Help me not to respond or even initiate ungodly conversations or interactions. You are truly the best! Make me more creative in my ways of expressing gratitude to You! I have the absolute best Master ever! I never want to trade You for anything or anyone.

...Sometimes I feel like a youngbul, but I'm glad I'm Your youngbul :) You brag on Your youngbuls. In fact, You said that unless we become like a youngbul we can't enter Your kingdom.

Thanks for being a comforter, & I ask that You continue to allow me to have a bird's eye view of my "problems" & situations. Help me keep my focus on You & the things You are telling me to do & be.


Weight... I'm Resting!

If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest.-Matthew 11:28 (Contemporary English Version)

The Lord is my shepherd. I am never in need. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside peaceful waters. -Psalm 23:1-2 (God's Word Translation)

Dad & Shepherd,

Thank You. I love you, and today I choose to honor Your request for me to come to You and allow You to give me rest! Just when I'm drawing near my wits end You call for me to lay at Your feet, Your peaceful waters. I appreciate You, if it were not for You I would certainly have burned out trying to handle everything on my own. Thank You for not making me responsible for handling every issue that arises in my life. It's ironic that one day I'll look back on the things that I think are such a big deal and laugh at how insignificant they really are, and yet, knowing this I still can't seem to shake certain worries. But from this day forward I declare that it will change! As I lye down with You I pray that You would show me exactly how to let things go. How to let people go, and move on. Show me what to do with hurt and disappointment (or rather what not to do with it) and how exactly relax and let You heal me. Mender of broken hearts, that's only one of Your many names, and with You as my Source I need not look to anyone (or anything) else to keep me sustained. Thank You again, I love You and I'm so glad You never leave me! With all honor and reverence through Christ the Lord I pray...

Friday, September 16, 2011


"I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD who call you by name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob My servant's sake and Israel My elect, I have called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me. I am the LORD and there is no other; there is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me, that they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other." Isaiah 45 2-6

Yahweh Shalom (The LORD of Peace),

Thank you for another day. Thank you for your love and grace, thank you for forgiveness that allows us to tap into your presence  and receive what only You deserved... peace! Lord as I study and read more about you I am even more grateful for the fact that the Hebrew word for peace (which is shalom) actually means completeness, soundness and welfare. That has such a greater meaning than what I have known it to stand for in my ignorance. That is simply and utterly amazing to me. You are utterly amazing Lord! I love you so much! I am grateful because I was down but You lifted me. Thank you for holding me when I lose strength to stand. Thank you for accepting me back when I forsake you or get distracted and start looking at things other than You. I appreciate how kind and gracious you are to me, but I know that my appreciation comes from my awareness of Your wrath and how you are equally as destructive in Your righteous anger as you are tolerant with your mercy. So, thank you for allowing me to grasp the concept (and understand the fact) that I am deserving of continual death because I am not holy, perfect or blameless and that is Your general standard... I would fall short on any given day because even my righteousness is as filthy rags in comparison to an incomparable and uncorrupted God. My life is only spared because You saw fit to send Your perfect Son to live a perfect, sinless life and die, the way I deserved to so He could exchange my record for His when I die. It is only my belief and trust in this extremely humble and loyal occurrence that I am allowed anywhere near Your presence and I have the utmost gratitude as a result. Thank you for Jesus, without Him I would be doomed to an eternity of death. Always being in the process of dying and it never coming to an end. *sigh* That is so awesome and admirable. You are mighty but You haven't destroyed me! Hallelujah! The only God who allows His people to have relationship with Him instead of forcing them to do works and be "good" without them even knowing for sure if they will make it into heaven/paradise or not. But You, offer a way for us to be sure of where we are going once this life on earth is halted. You not only hear us, but You speak back to us. You have plans for us, You long to be part of our lives though we are so small and should be insignificant to You. I love you! I praise You! I am eternally grateful to you! I ask that you would empower me to spread this very message of hope and grace to the nations! Equip me with spiritual gifts that will crush Your enemies heads! Train me to be so keenly in tune with Your voice and move that I will use them correctly and accurately. It's in Jesus' precious, but matchless name I do pray.
